Friday, July 25, 2008

I Don't Make Sense

I’m at a crossroads right now.

I’m going out of my comfort zone.

I’ve always been full of ideas. But it always remains an idea.

I’m quick to advise others but now that I’m in need of some advise myself, I am at a loss.

I’ve pretty much done my research and I’ve taken the first step towards something new. But the more I think about it, the more I question myself or I feel like backing out. So many “what ifs” running through my mind. And if this plan fails, I DO NOT want to be told, “I told you so.” Then again, I know this is what I want to do and I’ll forever regret it if I don’t give it a chance. Then I’ll be thinking of “what might have beens.”

The hubby said, “Don’t ever doubt yourself. Believe in your decisions and stick to it.”

So there.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fresh Centerpiece

Isn't it wonderful to have fresh fruits at home? I just feel bad about the lanzones because they were soooo expensive! But I haven't eaten any this year so I just went ahead and bought a bunch.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Little Bookworm

For some months now, it has been a nightly routine of the little girl and I to read books. I read to her while she looks at the pages and drinks her milk. Lately, she's the one who tells me what book and page to read. Oftentimes, I get tired reading the same thing over and over again. But it's a nice problem to have. I really hope the little girl develops the love of reading just like her mama and dada.

Every night, this is the whole pile of books that we go through.

But this remains her favorite and I am secretly happy because I love tea and I even have a collection of tea pots. One of my favorite toys as a child was my tea set.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Revisiting the Classics

After doing a tag on books in my other blog, I felt a bit disheartened that although I love to read, I haven't read anything worthwhile in a long time. I've been reading mostly suspense and action books and my monthly dose of magazines. But nothing much that would enhance my mind, save for "Coffee with Aristotle" which I had already finished.

So I went off to National Bookstore yesterday and got my own copies of these -

I started Pride and Prejudice and couldn't put it down. I like to think that it's the original chick lit. tee hee.. Imagine, Jane Austen and I are 200 years apart, yet her books remain well read and well loved. I can't wait to go home and read some more. Enough of the DVDs for now.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blowing Bubbles

Last Sunday, Tina and I shared a happy moment.

We were given a small plastic bottle of soapy water when she had her hair cut last Saturday. So I decided to play with it with the little girl. We stepped out of the front door and settled our butts on the step. We sat side by side and blew bubbles in the air.
It's one of those moments that I will always remember and treasure.

Scrounging Time

I decided to join the garage sale being organized my fellow n@wies. It's going to be at QC Circle so it's quite convenient for me. I paid for the booth and chose my location so the hard part begins now.

I'm starting to sort through Tina's and my stuff and figuring out what can go to the garage sale. I'm such a veteran of garage sales already having gone through 3 sales organized by our street, but it's such a chore to rummage through my stuff. I've made one pass at my closet and gathered a stack of shirts already. I checked Tina's closet and have also accumulated enough things to fit one big plastic bag. I need to go through the kitchen next to see if there are some odds and ends that I can do away with. Then it's off to my huge pile of magazines. That would be more tedious as I have some recipes I want to copy and I have to go through each and every magazine just for that. Time consuming!

It's harder to get the hubby to part with some of his stuff as he's such a pack rat. grrr... But i'm hoping to convince him to clear at least a small area of his closet.

I still have a couple more weeks to go. Hopefully, in the process, I also get to unclutter our home.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Under Budget...Again!

I did my groceries after work yesterday at Hi-Top as usual. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t really shop there because the aisles are narrow and at any given hour, delivery boys are pushing their trolleys and unloading boxes of goods. It’s a hassle trying to maneuver your way through the aisles without having the added nuisance of bumping into delivery guys and their wares. But Hi-top is the cheapest grocery in our area so I put up with the service. I’d rather shop at Landmark but since it’s so big and it has a whole lot more choices, I end up buying more than what I set out which means I spend more. :(

That was quite a long introduction. Hee hee… Anyhoo, when I do the groceries, I always have a list with me. It’s a habit I got from my mom. But most of the time, I also pick out some items that aren’t on the list. For the past two grocery trips I’ve been making, I have been below budget! Woohoo! I determinedly stuck to my list plus I was armed with a pen and calculator. I’ve also substituted some of the usual brands I’ve purchased in the past with cheaper but equally good alternatives.

Amidst these hard times (and who knows when it will end), I’ve to cut on costs and every little bit counts. A peso saving here and there eventually adds up. Never take a single peso for granted.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm a Country Gal

I so agree with this, city life can be so stressful and I'd rather live somewhere more laid back.

You Should Live in the Country

You are laid back, calm, and good at entertaining yourself.

You don't need an expensive big city to keep you busy.

You'll take the peaceful life over the stressful life any day of the week.

Words from a Wise Guy

The other day, I was getting too worked up over another colleague. He just irritated me so because he was too demanding and acted like a know-it-all.

My guy pal at work told me, "you're too blessed to be stressed." Toink! He's right. For all of his wise cracks at me, this time he actually made sense. hee hee...

Seriously, it was good to be told that. It again puts things into perspective.